We've reached out to Bandai Namco to ask whether they can confirm when this closed beta test will be available to download, or what exactly will be included in the closed network test. The trailer, which showcases a new addition to the Tekken 8 roster and was intended as a surprise for the spectators of Combo Breaker 2023, instead became a source of frustration for Tekken 8 director Harada and producer Michael Murray. This marks the second major leak in a matter of days for Bandai Namco and the Tekken team, who only recently had the latest trailer for Bryan leaked online ahead of schedule on social media by Bandai Namco EU. Here's to hoping Bandai Namco can avoid the disasterous situation that Capcom ran into with its Street Fighter 6 closed beta, which was quickly cracked open months before launch for those with a little know-how. There's been no word on how exactly a Tekken 8 closed beta test will be made available to the public as of yet. It's also a good way of discovering busted combos or other bugs, as hordes of passionate players will be pulling apart the game in an attempt to discover optimal combos and other techniques.

This likely stands for some variation of 'closed network test', a common practice for modern fighting game developers to test the online infrastructure of their titles ahead of release with a limited player pool of global fighters. Looking at the assets uploaded alongside the Steam beta, you can clearly see the letters 'CNT'.

Check out the trailer for King here, if you haven't already!