In 62 AD, Burrus died and Seneca retired, removing the key restraining influences on Nero.

Britannicus was poisoned by Nero a year into the new reign and in 59 AD, he had his mother put to death. But the new emperor paid more heed to his advisors Burrus and the philosopher Seneca, and the result was five years of exemplary government. She persuaded Claudius to adopt Domitius - who now took the name Nero - as his son and when it seemed as if Britannicus would be favoured, she had Claudius poisoned and Nero became emperor.Īgrippina clearly wished to rule through Nero, and her portrait briefly appeared on the coins alongside his. In 49 AD, Agrippina married her uncle, the emperor Claudius, and began to promote her own son's claim to the succession, at the expense of Claudius's own son, Britannicus. Through his mother Agrippina he was the only surviving direct male descendant of the emperor Augustus.

Nero was born near Rome on 15 December 37 AD and was known as a child as Domitius. He is remembered as an ineffectual, neglectful and brutal leader. © Nero was the fifth Roman emperor and the last of the Julio-Claudian dynasty.